Category: Cool-season grasses


Rye overseeding

hekla – posted 11 May 2007 14:41 If I seed bermuda grass (probably Blackjack bermuda grass) in the next month or so, can I overseed with Rye this year, or do I need to...


Browning Green

wsgc-s – posted 15 August 2006 05:19 I have a backyard green (Crenshaw Bentgrass) that is turning brown from the heat. I have been using water to keep it cool every day but we...


Bermuda in my Fescue

Nole 51 – posted 26 September 2005 18:57 I have a two year old lawn of Ky Blue/Fescue/Rye. Late this season I have had a lot of small patches of Bermuda grass coming up...


Great White North

Saskatchewan – posted 13 October 2005 22:07 Just wanted to know if anybody readers here are from Western Canada? You know, compared problems, whatever.Thx in advance,Rick southsider – posted 06 November 2005 21:31 Hey...


canada green

blake grice – posted 27 February 2006 21:09 if I don’t mind doing it every may, is it worth it to get a good lawn just for a few months at at time?