Bermuda in my Fescue
Nole 51 – posted 26 September 2005 18:57
I have a two year old lawn of Ky Blue/Fescue/Rye. Late this season I have had a lot of small patches of Bermuda grass coming up in my lawn.
Any suggestions on how to get ride of this and/or prevent it in the future?
cohiba – posted 27 September 2005 12:34
My friend has the same problem. We are going to try to hit it a few times next spring, as it is coming out of dormancy, with Acclaim. At that time it is it’s most susceptable to injury. I have been looking for other alternatives but all will hurt the other grasses.
Stay tuned………………..
johnsonra55 – posted 27 September 2005 20:42
I have just heard about a product called Turflon Ester. It is available from:
Supposedly it kills bermuda in fescue without harming the fescue. Does anyone know anything about this?
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