brown patch – fungas?
gamecockks – posted 17 May 2003 14:36
Hi! I have dwarf bermuda grass on my golf course greens and I have noticed on some of the greens on certain areas of the greens large numbers of small, irregularly shaped circular in appearance, brownish almost greasy looking spots on the greens. Any ideas whether this is a type of fungas? If so, what type? Thanks. Mike
frenchman – posted 17 May 2003 18:02
Use some Pro-Star, but are you sure it’s Brown Patch. Be more detail on the shape. Is it in a circle pattern about 2-3″ wide with the middle still green, if so it’s Take-All-Patch. If it is Take-All-Patch use Banner Maxx or Ammonia Sulfate.
gamecockks – posted 17 May 2003 23:49
Hi! Thanks for the help. I’m not sure it is brown patch. I was guessing at what it might be. The irregular circled spots are about 2-3 inches in diameter and they all look like a brown, greasy spot on the green. Almost as if someone had dropped oil in spots only not as dark. I think I have seen the other thing you referred to, although, I have never figured out what it is. It looks like a halo almost with the circle being about 6 inches in diameter. The inside is green, but the circle itself is gray or white looking. It has been noticable on one green and seems to reappear every year, especially in summer. What do you think? Thanks,
frenchman – posted 18 May 2003 16:30
Is there anyway you can put up a picture so we all can look at it?
gamecockks – posted 18 May 2003 18:54
sure….will photograph tomorrow….thanksMike
gamecockks – posted 18 May 2003 18:56
by the way….how do i post a photograph?
gamecockks – posted 19 May 2003 14:29
I have pictures of what I am talking about. How can I post them for you to see? Mike
George777 – posted 22 May 2003 20:11
What has been the weather conditions? temp, rain, humidity, sun, cloudy.Your fert schedule? slow release, quick release and lb of N per 1,000 sf2.Drainage?Poor, good, any weed pressure present, if so what kind.Soil ph level?
Miscanthus – posted 28 May 2003 13:18
Sounds like you have pythium blight. I just sprayed my zoysia for the same thing. I used Dithane. Fungicides are expensive so get ready.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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