Bermuda VS Fescue What would you do?? (Pictures included)
overtona – posted 24 August 2009 14:32
Ok folks. I’ve become a turf junkie but I need a little advice. I hydroseeded last November with a rye, fescue, bermuda blend. (Obviously that was too late in the year for the Bermuda. Anyway, I have established a pretty good crop of Sahara burmuda in my lawn but I still have patches of fescue that that I must get rid of. What would you do this late in the growing season. see photos of my yard here:
1. round up the fescue patches then topdress and seed.2. roundup this January, then topdress and seed in May.3.Cut the fescue really low, burn it out that let the bermuda establish it’self next year?
tommy – posted 25 August 2009 13:49
If you live far enough south, there is still time to seed some more bermuda in there! It looks like you could use more bermuda stand! Spray round up in winter, but not Jan. Wait till March or so when the fescue is perking up really nice, but the bermuda still dormant. You will get a much better kill this way, because in Jan. the fescue is semi dormant also.
saltcedar – posted 27 August 2009 20:38
What about just waiting for the Sahara to crowd out the other grasses?
[This message has been edited by saltcedar (edited 27 August 2009).]
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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