Bermuda Grass
Jimmy3 – posted 15 June 2001 17:57
How can I kill bermuda grass in my fescue lawn. I live in Virginia and have no weeds in my 2 year old lawn. Somehow bermuda grass has started to show up in a few patches. I have tried Round-up which kills everything to the roots except (it seems) bermuda. I reaaly need to kill the roots somehow. Any help would be very greatly appreciated. Thahnks.
be********@ao*.com – posted 19 June 2001 08:13
If you get a reply to your question, please let me know what it is if you don’t mind, thanks, LeAnn
GaryFS – posted 12 November 2001 16:41
I also have the same problem! My beautiful fescue lawn is being invaded! Help!
Please let me know if you get any replies
Mike Turner – posted 02 December 2001 19:21
Jimmy, I’m from texas and a golf course manager. I only grow bermuda because of the reason you are looking to kill it. It is so harty and adaptable to just about anything. I think you will have a very hard time trying to find anything that will kill the bermuda and not your fescue. My suggestion is to go with the bermuda and overseed if you want green grass in the winter.
quote:Originally posted by Jimmy3:How can I kill bermuda grass in my fescue lawn. I live in Virginia and have no weeds in my 2 year old lawn. Somehow bermuda grass has started to show up in a few patches. I have tried Round-up which kills everything to the roots except (it seems) bermuda. I reaaly need to kill the roots somehow. Any help would be very greatly appreciated. Thahnks.
[This message has been edited by Mike Turner (edited 02 December 2001).]
Jason in Atlanta – posted 01 April 2002 12:43
I’ve got the opposite problem. I am trying to grow bermuda (from sod) and I have a bunch of fescue growing up through the bermuda sod. How can I kill the fescue??
The bermuda is just beginning to come out of it’s dormancy. Is it too late to spray RoundUp??
DaveInAtlanta – posted 11 May 2002 07:38
I am in Atlanta, and planted Bermuda grass over the top of the fescue the builder had started. I found that by concentrating on fertilizing the bermuda and watering regularly, (plus adding iron), the bermuda was so happy that it choked out overy blade of fescue. This was only last May, and this year I do not have one single blade of fescue in my beautiful yard
eyancey – posted 14 May 2002 12:21
Jimmy3 – I have the same problem and am in VA as well. Here is what I’ve done:
In one are where there was a lot of bermuda grass, I dug up as much as I possibly could in early March and removed as many of the bermuda grass roots as I could. I then heavily seeded with fescue and heavily fertilized that area. So far (knock on wood) the bermuda has not returned to that area.
In other areas of my yard there is a little bermuda grass mixed in the fescue. I didn’t want to go to the trouble of killing all the grass and starting over, so here is my approach.
Take roundup and put it in a small tube, say the size of a test tube. Personally, I used a small syringe that’s designed to feed dogs medication (about $3 at a pet store).
Then I went over the whole yard (mine’s fairly small, around 8000 sq ft or so) and dipped as many strands of bermuda in the roundup as I could without getting it on the fescue. That was about 3 weeks ago. The areas I’ve treated (missed a few) seem to be dying out.
The advantage to this treatment is that you can put the roundup on only the bermuda in high concentration. Also, given the nature of bermuda, getting one strand pretty well soaked will kill most of the other strands connected to it.
The disadvantage with this of course is that it’s a very painstaking, manual process.
I don’t know if this approach is going to work long term, but it might be better than doing a re-seed.
I’ve also heard there is a product that you can spray that will cut down on new bermuda growth (possibly prevent spreading?) but won’t affect fescue, but I forget the name and haven’t tried it personally.
Good luck – hope this helps some!
eyancey – posted 14 May 2002 12:38
Jimmy – also, note that I didn’t dilute the roundup at all… and I think I was using the 25% jug. If you’re patient and worried about cost, just dip a strand of the bermuda in the high-concentrate roundup every foot or so – it should kill it.
My Yardman – posted 15 May 2002 16:38
To Kill Bermuda, try a product called Fusilade. It wll kill nothing else but bermuda. Spray it all over flower beds, shrub beds anything. It will make short work for getting rid of Bermuda. It is available to Lawn Care professionals through wholesalers such as Lesco.
TextronSaudi – posted 18 May 2002 07:08
I just killed off my Bermuda lawn with Roundup – a couple of applications over a 2-week perid, as well as turning off the irrigation after, and it’s dead.
Of course, I didn’t have fescue and I killed it as I plan to go to Paspalum after I’ve rotovated, so not quite the same situation – but Roundup did work.
Now how to kill off bambo shots that are coming up in my grass??!!??
George – posted 12 July 2002 09:04
I am also having a problem with bermuda coming into my new fescue lawn. My local nursery tells me there is a product that will slow down the bermuda and not kill the fescue. I will try it tomorrow.
LaVista.1 – posted 01 August 2002 16:46
Man. I spent three years putting Roundup on a patch of Bermuda that I accidentally planted in my fescue yard. I dug, poisoned, burned and removed sod. It got into my beds and grows on top of the plastic in the crushed brick mulch. If you could eat this crap, world hunger would be over. Noticed this year that its the only thing that has weathered our nearly four year drought her in central NC. I surrender. Darwin was right!Survival of the fittest.
Ginger – posted 01 October 2002 19:15
I have recently tried ornamec a herbicide that you spray onto bermuda grass in the fall and spring. So far (2 weeks) it has only killed the bermuda grass and not the fescue. I am very anal about my yard and was upset to see bermuda, but I think this will work. Although you need to apply it one- two times in the fall and one or two times in the spring for about two years. Another product I ahve heard is effective is turflon. With both of these products you need to mix them exactly so it does not kill your fescue. Good luck! Ginger
quote:Originally posted by Jimmy3:How can I kill bermuda grass in my fescue lawn. I live in Virginia and have no weeds in my 2 year old lawn. Somehow bermuda grass has started to show up in a few patches. I have tried Round-up which kills everything to the roots except (it seems) bermuda. I reaaly need to kill the roots somehow. Any help would be very greatly appreciated. Thahnks.
David – posted 08 October 2002 19:44
I have lived just south of Richmond for 10+ years. For 7 of them I killed off Bermuda and thou$ands of dollars and planted fescue. Every summer, the Bermuda came back. I found out the cost of Bermuda sprigs, and just decided to let nature run. Thank goodness. The water restrictions imposed by the Governor this year have left me as the only person with a lawn in the neighborhood. Not the prettiest, but no wind erosion either. I have consulted with prfessional golf course greenskeepers as to what I have to do to maintain a Bermuda lawn. There answer to a homeowner…..basically…..nothing….Works for me!!!!!!
Give me what works anytime….My time has become too valuable.
FRoorda – posted 12 October 2002 05:47
I have a topic going over in the section called critters, but I found a product called Turflon Ester that kills or supresses the Bermuda Grass in a fescue or Bluegrass lawn, without, and I repeat Without damaging your lawn. You must use it in the recommended mixture though, not more, not less.
The stuff is very expensive, but a tiny bit goes a long way.
I saw results within two weeks.
frenchman – posted 12 October 2002 18:46
Jason in Atlanta. When your bermuda goes into dormant spray roundup on the fescue and your problem will be solved. It will not kill the bermuda.
hunky – posted 28 October 2002 16:40
quote:Originally posted by Jimmy3:How can I kill bermuda grass in my fescue lawn. I live in Virginia and have no weeds in my 2 year old lawn. Somehow bermuda grass has started to show up in a few patches. I have tried Round-up which kills everything to the roots except (it seems) bermuda. I reaaly need to kill the roots somehow. Any help would be very greatly appreciated. Thahnks.
TURFLON ESTER is made specifically to kill Bermuda grass in your ornamental lawns. It is expensive though…$24.99 for a tiny bottle but it only takes 2 teaspoons for 1000 sq ft so it goes a long way. I have the same problem…Bermuda grass starting in spots throughout my lawn in Pleasant Hill, CA. Made by Lawn & Garden Prod Inc, PO Box 35000, Fresno, CA 93745. (559) 499-2100 or . Hope this helps
spoiler – posted 14 December 2002 19:35
It came from… lol,well i can see that noone can figure out where the other grass/weeds has come a california landscaper/gardener of 4 yrs.If any of you homeowners have a landscape service tending the care for your lawn,they are most likely the reason.Could you imagine finding any one landscape service that takes the time to clean his lawnmower [underneath the bell] in order to not spread the weed seeds,sprigs,etc. to the next customer’s [victim] lawn?have a word with your landscapers =] ,see if they are bagging the grass clippings everytime they visit[not the cure, but this can help].[lol ,more work sorry guys.]oh yea ,add to your contract a occasional weed&feed when in need.a funny thing about my lawn is that when i come home from work, and walk through the frontyard-my shoes are to blame for my weed problem hehehh oh well =]
macdanite – posted 09 January 2003 20:49
quote:Originally posted by TextronSaudi:I just killed off my Bermuda lawn with Roundup – a couple of applications over a 2-week perid, as well as turning off the irrigation after, and it’s dead.
Of course, I didn’t have fescue and I killed it as I plan to go to Paspalum after I’ve rotovated, so not quite the same situation – but Roundup did work.
Now how to kill off bambo shots that are coming up in my grass??!!??
You live in Saudi, and I live in northren Chile. We have about the same heat on our lawns, as well as no water but salt concentrated water from the tap, you have sand and we have sand with clay and salt. Hard ground.
We have tried to grow a grass for the past three years with no luck. What can you suggest?
Hobowood – posted 26 January 2003 07:36
In East Texas, where it’s wet and warm, we “control” Bermuda by simply raising our mower to a higher cut (2-1/2 to 3″). Seems the lower we cut the better the Bermuda likes it, crowding out almost any other grass. Might help. Might not.Hobowood
Triplet Mommy – posted 06 May 2003 06:19
I was wondering what fertilizer you used? I will be putting ironite down soon. We put down weed killer and fertilizer about 3 wks ago and my lawn looks so ugly I have more green weeds then green bermuda grass…ugh.
Thanks for you help
quote:Originally posted by DaveInAtlanta:I am in Atlanta, and planted Bermuda grass over the top of the fescue the builder had started. I found that by concentrating on fertilizing the bermuda and watering regularly, (plus adding iron), the bermuda was so happy that it choked out overy blade of fescue. This was only last May, and this year I do not have one single blade of fescue in my beautiful yard
So Cal – posted 14 August 2003 15:43
DaveKing – posted 03 August 2004 22:59
Check out this site.
yardpro_2000 – posted 09 August 2004 07:32
fusilade is the same product as vantage.
it will kill bermuda without harming a wide variety of other turf grasses. It is ok on fine fescue, BUT NOT TALL FESCUE.
whoever it was that said it kills nothing but bermuda has not read the label. It is a GRASS herbicide. it will not harm shrubbery, and some truf grasses. it is safe on zoysia, centipede, fine fescue, and about two pages of other weeds.
yardpro_2000 – posted 09 August 2004 07:36
this is a correction to the last line of the previous post.
is KILLS about two pages (on the label) of weeds other than just bermuda
F6Hawk – posted 06 September 2004 12:18
What it does exactly to growing bermuda I do not know, but everyone I ahve spoken to says to not get it on active bermuda. I spray it on my centipede, and use it as a pre-emergent in the fall & spring months on the bermuda.
Will it kill out bermuda, or just slow it down?
in**@pa**********.com – posted 14 September 2004 18:01
Try Turflonit is a “Selective” herbicide that is used to kill bermudagrass adn not harm cool-season gfrasses like fescue.Check with a farm chemical or contractor supply store or your local ag extension for more information on applying it!
zoysia drew – posted 14 September 2004 22:40
Jimmy 3, I am going to sod my yard with zoysia and recently sprayed the entire yard with “Roundup WeatherMax”. Trust me when I say there is not Anything alive in my yard anymore. This stuff will kill anything including nutgrass. The real key however is to have the bermuda actively growing before you spray(warm and well watered). You will have to resod the fesque afterwards but your bermuda problem Will Be Over. Unfortunately, I don’t think you can purchase this on your own. Find a farmer or chemical dealer to get it for you.Good Luck
JJ – posted 21 September 2004 17:46
Yo, whaddup me main menschekit, blood,if u wants to talk bout grass, yo be wantin to talk wiv me,aiiiiii!best 4 chillinĀ“ wiv de homeboyz in de hood me as all de bloods doin dealinĀ“, lockin an poppin dog, sos the bestest ganje strait 4 u if u gots de green, dog.big up yaself man, if u iz messin den jus take a chilll pill bruva, u knows were to find me aiiiiiiibo…big yaself up wiv de omeboyz in de oodrespekpeace outja rule
ps mes likin now dat ya site be multi kultural nows, checkit
scott 1111 – posted 12 August 2005 00:27
to get rid of bermuda in fescue use one or both of the chemicals acclaim extra or turflon ester. use it as directed or you will do more harm than good. treat early in the spring before bermuda get going and then once a month or so to keep it under control it works
daddycip – posted 26 August 2005 19:53
quote:Originally posted by TextronSaudi:I just killed off my Bermuda lawn with Roundup – a couple of applications over a 2-week perid, as well as turning off the irrigation after, and it’s dead.
Of course, I didn’t have fescue and I killed it as I plan to go to Paspalum after I’ve rotovated, so not quite the same situation – but Roundup did work.
Now how to kill off bambo shots that are coming up in my grass??!!??
I have owned 3 different houses in SC and have determined if either neighbor has bermuda, then you will eventually have it. So, i don’t beat them join them. I even tried to plug centipede to see which would win the spreading battle-no contest- bermuda is like the Kudzu of turf grasses. I am sodding bermuda next time because my neighbor has a well established bermuda lawn.
QWERTY – posted 27 August 2005 08:40
Or you could put down 6 inches deep borders! ddavisetal – posted 05 September 2005 13:36
DOes anyone know the mix rate for Turflon Ester? How many ounces of Turflon Ester to 2.5 gallons (the size of many pump sprayers)?
quote:Originally posted by FRoorda:I have a topic going over in the section called critters, but I found a product called Turflon Ester that kills or supresses the Bermuda Grass in a fescue or Bluegrass lawn, without, and I repeat Without damaging your lawn. You must use it in the recommended mixture though, not more, not less.
The stuff is very expensive, but a tiny bit goes a long way.
I saw results within two weeks.
Turfmiester – posted 05 September 2005 16:18
The mixing rate is to long to post so here is a site you can go to for all you need to know and how to mix Turflon Ester. Hope this helps.
Turfmiester – posted 05 September 2005 17:51
I am trying again. Here it is again:
Turfmiester – posted 05 September 2005 17:53
Still got it wrong.
Turfmiester – posted 05 September 2005 17:54
It will not post it right.
Turfmiester – posted 05 September 2005 17:56
This is the last time I am trying:
seed – posted 05 September 2005 22:31
It will post it right, but this is as close as they’ll let you go. You still have to click one link:
ddavisetal – posted 06 September 2005 14:43
[Thanks to those who responded. I’m referring to the part of the label that speaks to ‘Suppression of Bermudagrass’, but since I just want to spot apply using a 2.5 gallon sprayer, it does not say how much Turflon Ester to use per gallon of water…only how much to use per acre. Can anyone advise as to how many ounces of Turflon Ester to use per gallon of water for the spot treatment of bermuda grass in a fescue lawn via 2.5 gal pump sprayer?QUOTE]Originally posted by ddavisetal:DOes anyone know the mix rate for Turflon Ester? How many ounces of Turflon Ester to 2.5 gallons (the size of many pump sprayers)?
ken4255 – posted 07 July 2010 11:22
You can also try triclopyr (Ortho poison ivy killer or Ortho chickweed and clover killer)
ken4255 – posted 07 July 2010 11:23
You can also try triclopyr (Ortho poison ivy killer or Ortho chickweed and clover killer).
cgaengineer – posted 05 August 2010 11:25
Revolver is used to remove fescue from bermuda.
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