Bentgrass Removal
Yodagwb – posted 02 June 2002 11:11
Some how I appear to have ended up with creeping bentgrass through out my lawn. This is creating a major problem since I have no intention of mowing and watering every day. Question, are there any chemicals which will kill bent grass while leaving the rest of the lawn alive, or do I need to kill the entire lawn and start over?
frenchman – posted 03 June 2002 20:16
Tran-Xit will probably do the job, but very, very pricy.
charlie davis – posted 07 May 2005 13:38
Turfmaster – where can I pick up TranXit. I’m a home owner and have researched this on the DuPont web site. The website refers to Poa Annua – is that similar to Bent Grass? Also, will TranXit damage Bluegrass, fescue, or perrenial rye?
Turfmiester – posted 08 May 2005 20:25
Just don’t water it. It will die out. Wilt is the greatest cause of death to bent grass.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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