Atrazine Screw Up…
ratz0fratzo – posted 22 March 2003 11:44
I thought I had St. Augustine and applied Atrazine to kill off the weeds. It killed the weeds fine, and only a small amount of grass, nothing I can’t deal with. Now I find out I have Bahia, not St. Augustine!
Everything I have read on Atrazine and Bahia says that post emergence could have some intolerance and is not registered, pre-emergence isn’t registered with no information.
So what do I do now? I wanted to re-seed the lawn and now that I know I have Bahia, I want to use Bahia seed. What will the Atrazine do to the seed? I applied it about 10 days ago. How long should I wait? Am I totally screwed? Please help!
Stevearino – posted 05 April 2005 20:27
The atrizine will do the same thing to your your new grass sprouts that it does, as it’s designed to do, to new weed sprouts…kill them. Wait a year, without using any weed killer, and try again.
cohiba – posted 06 April 2005 20:01
If I remember correctly, doesn’t Atrizine persist in the soil for longer than a year? I have heard stories about farms being turned into housing developements and Atrizine being an issue with new lawns.
I would not want to wait a year and see what happens. I would treat the lawn with activated charcoal and try to nutilize the Atrizine.
Good Luck………..
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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