Kill St. Augustine in bermuda grass?
amkjak – posted 22 March 2003 10:45
My lawn is mixed in the back yard and I live in North Texas. I want to get rid off my St. Aug in the bermuda as well as the crabgrass and nutweed. What can I apply over the whole lawn to kill these without affecting my bermuda. As of today the lawn is just staring to come out of dormancy.
Lex – posted 30 March 2003 12:18
Here are my suggestions:- apply 2-4 D to kill weeds and it will harm the St. Augustine.- nutsedge, try a product called Image (available at ACE or Home Depot).- if Image fails, buy some Manage weed killer (about $12 for a package to make 1 gallon of spray so you will have to spot spray… but it works)- For crabgrass, put a pre emergent down then get some roundup and spot spray the crabgrass. Place a piece of 4-6″ dia PVC pipe over the crabgrass and spray to keep from killing your entire yard.Good luck.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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