Aeration, Topdressing , Oversdeeding, etc.
TGNY – posted 20 March 2005 21:12
Just finished construction on my house and need to fix the lawn. Actually, the lawn needed fixing long before. I imagine most of these issues have been asked, but since mine are site specific, here I go.Property is .43 acre , aprox. 15,000 sf of lawn (try rye or shady mix). Sandy loam, many oak trees, acidic pH. In the past I lime every spring, lightly overseed and have switched to organic ferts. I am planning on aerating, topdressing with compost (available free at town transfer center), overseed and possibly drag or roll into soil. I would like to level out the lawn a little too. All this will be done by hand since I don’t own any landscaping machines (ie. tractor). I don’t have a sprinkler system, though am considering putting one in sometime down the road. How much compost is recommended (in height or cy/k) and in genreal is this a viable plan, or would someone suggest other methods. Any comments appreciated. Thanks in advance.
P.S. I also have had a really bad mole problem the last couple of years. I don’t if that would affect any suggestions here or if that is a topic for a separate posting.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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