
Should I till before sodding?

Should I till before sodding?

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Big0range – posted 09 August 2005 12:01

We’ve bought a house where the previous owners cleared out the yard, which was not grassy but overgrown, uh.. growth. Now it’s just dirt and debris with trees and very little landscaping. I’m going to clear the debris out and I’m wondering if I should till the dirt before trying to lay down sod.

cohiba – posted 09 August 2005 12:30

The only reason I can see to till is to add nutrients or amendments to the rootzone. If the soil is good: skip it. Tilling only brings weed seeds to the surface and allows them to germinate. I would level as best you can and soil test. Once the tests come back you can then decide where to go. tilling to improve the soil or sodding to finish the job.

Good Luck!

forrestinkc – posted 09 August 2005 17:55

Tilling can loosen up the underling soil so your sod might be able to take root more quickly. This is especially true if your soil is more clay based. You can also probably get the soil more uniform after you till and rake it out.

However, if you are removing old turf, its best to go and rent a sod cutter to get it up, then till. If you don’t, tilling up the old sod will be backbreaking work, then you will have to rake up all the grass clumps before you can get your soil remotely level again.

jr – posted 14 August 2005 13:09

if you do till, stay away from those trees. give them a 1 foot per inch trunk diameter circle and do not till within that area or you will destroy the vast majority of its root system and injure or kill it.

Tungsten33333 – posted 15 August 2005 10:47

Don’t till. It might make it worse. Just scalp them (bag them to get most of the weed seeds) and sod over them.

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