Zoysia Grass
cajungoodie – posted 04 June 2001 16:38
I laid a pallet of Zoysia about a month ago an fertilized it about a week ago. Unfortunately I burned a nice strip down the center of my yard. Will this come back or should I get plugs to fill in the brow spots? Also, can Scotts Weed and Feed be used on Zoyia? I’m more familiar with that brand than the one the garden center sold to me. I have had more success with Scotts as far as not burning my prior grass which was St. Aug. Oh, I live in New Orleans.
seed – posted 04 June 2001 22:54
cajungoodie, I would give it a total of 4 weeks to see if signs of green come back. Zoysia has aggressive underground rhizomes. Other writers have askd, “How do I get rid of it?”
Make sure that the particular Weed and Feed is labeled for zoysiagrass
greengal – posted 18 June 2001 21:33
I also planted zoysia sod this spring and am happy with it…I used scotts weed and feed on it…which is ok…but if it turns yellow in some spots it means your grass needs iron….but ironite and use spreader to put it on…it will green up again
[Note: This message has been edited by seed]
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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