Zenith Zoysia seeding attempt
lennyk – posted 27 October 2006 18:17
Just prepared a seed bed with in soil turf pavers.Lets hope that the rain doesn’t crash the party for the next week or 2 whilst the zenith germinates.
see pics here
TexanOne – posted 28 October 2006 15:56
Lenny, the pavers should stop your erosion problem. Looks like a good installation! Keep us posted on progress!
lennyk – posted 01 November 2006 08:11
well true to form,as I seeded in the morning in blazing sunshine only for a heavy downpour to hit soon after as per my greatest fears.Got that sick helpless feeling in my stomach again.
I am not even going to bother going out to check it today. Will seed again next couple days or so. I get the feeling somebody up there is testing my willpower.
[This message has been edited by lennyk (edited 01 November 2006).]
cohiba – posted 01 November 2006 14:41
The area looks small enough to tarp. Try that next time, until the seed takes root.
Good luck………Keep a chin up!!!!!
TexanOne – posted 04 November 2006 15:49
It’s hard to tell from the picture, but is the seedbed sloped? If it’s flat, you should be alright.
lennyk – posted 05 November 2006 09:43
slight slope, the side towards the bushes should be ok though since the bushes shelters the heavy rain.More rain this weekend, I am thinking of using shredded newspaper as a covering mulch.
lennyk – posted 14 November 2006 18:09
I reseeded but did a manual slit seeding,used an ice pick to scrape a 1/4″ slot in the soil and dropped seeds in the slot by hand.
Rather tedious but the good news is that a lot of them have germinated.I did the slits about 3″ apart, I think I could have gone closer but it will be difficult to walk on the surface now since I may break or dislodge the seedlings by walking on them now.
[This message has been edited by lennyk (edited 14 November 2006).]
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