WWF Knockdown: Emeral Zoysia vs. Bermuda!
KBilly – posted 19 August 2005 12:51
We have had a landscape designer in for our new yard and have pretty well narrowed things down. For our courtyard area we will have emerald zoysia — about 600 sq ft. So, we will have some left over from the second pallet.
The 3 x 90 side property strip along the south side of the house currently has “wild” bermuda in it. Next to that is the neighbor’s 3 ft strip with St. Augustine. I thought we would put the zoysia there, but the landscape guy recommends leaving the bermuda there. He says that even after scraping it down, it would eventually overtake the new zoysia sod.
Does anybody have any further insight to add to this?
Also, what do you think will happen with the St. Aug vs. the Bermuda?
[This message has been edited by KBilly (edited 19 August 2005).]
QWERTY – posted 19 August 2005 18:52
bermuda will win against zoysia. Too agressive, unfortunately.
For SA, it depends. You probably won’t completely get rid of bermuda but you can keep it undercontrol as long as you keep the cutting height high and proper watering for SA. Someone tried it and it worked.
kyleinmarietta – posted 19 August 2005 20:09
Acclaim extra won’t hurt the zoysia, but will knock the stuffing out of the bermuda. It may take a couple of summers, but with proper management techniques, you can eliminate the bermuda from a zoysia lawn.
QWERTY – posted 19 August 2005 21:02
Will acclaim harm St Augustine?
KBilly – posted 20 August 2005 14:54
Thanks all!
I think that I will stick with the bermuda that’s growing there now and find another area for the zoysia that will be left over from the pallet. I’m not into chemicals for two years, just to have another kind of grass on a side of the house we’ll only walk around once in a blue moon.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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