Which is best?
Harry – posted 30 September 2001 17:44
We have a lkot on a salt water canal. Grass very sparce. Tried to plug in som St Augestine. Would Bermuda be best. How do I go about it. Please help……
ELJefe – posted 03 October 2001 16:22
Most hybrid bermudagrasses have pretty high saline tolerance, but it always depends on the exact grass variety and your location.
An alternative grass, Seashore Paspalum, has gained in popularity recently because it can take almost 100% seawater for irrigation. Effluent/non-potable water has also worked well on this grass variety. Paspalums have been found growing in salt-water marshes and on beaches, so salt is not a problem for this grass.
If you have freshwater irrigation, the saline content of the soil may be less of an issue than you think, since both St. Augustine and bermuda are relatively shallow rooted grasses, so if you prepare your soil and add amendments, organic mulch or other nutrients to improve the top layer of soil, you should not have significant problems with these grass varieties.
Plugging is really too slow in most areas with St. Augustine, so it is not uncommon to have turfgrass failure when plugging, especially in poor weather conditions.
mangman – posted 10 October 2001 09:11
The Seashore Paspalum is awesome aesthetically and by touch. I really would love it however it is not shade tolerant. Home Depot started to carrying the plugs if you want to get an idea of what it looks like. I would by from a sod farm, Home Depot charges $5.99 a tray!
Proturf – posted 12 October 2001 07:21
I am a commercial source for Seashore paspalum. We have some varieties that have some shade tolerance. We also have the most salt tolerant varieties on the market. We have the only true ‘greens-type’ Seashore paspalums on the market.
Feel free to contact us for info if you would like. I don’t want to run a commercial on this forum.
email or vist website for more info:pr*****@ho*****.comwww.etsturf.com
glee6127 – posted 07 March 2005 06:25
quote:Originally posted by Harry:We have a lkot on a salt water canal. Grass very sparce. Tried to plug in som St Augestine. Would Bermuda be best. How do I go about it. Please help……
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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