Where can I buy Palmetto St. Augustine in California?
Gonzzo20six – posted 05 August 2002 10:42
I have had no luck finding a place that sells Palmetto St. Augustine in San Jose, Ca
Can anyone help me out?
bill_sc – posted 07 August 2002 05:59
I went to sodsolutions.com with your zip code and found no producers within 350 miles of San Jose. Contact sodsolutions.com for help. I have been plugging Palmetto St. Augustine in bare spots in my SC lawn and have been very pleased with results.
chris_gonzo – posted 30 January 2004 15:57
Yes, I live in the San Diego area (El Cajon, to be exact). I’m also searching for Palmetto St. Augustine but am having no luck. Anyone have any tips? I was told by someone at Armstrong Gardens yesterday that no California growers have Palmetto St. Augustine. I’ve also noticed that online growers won’t ship to California. Why?
pacificsod – posted 05 February 2004 09:40
Palmetto is a good St Aug variety, but is just a brand name.there are three or four sod growers that have St Aug in California.Pacific Sod: pacificsod.comSouthland Sod Farms: sod.comand West Coast Turf: westcoastturf.com all usually have a limited supply, and most of that is sold in Southern Ca. between mid March and late September.Cold temps will encourange dormancy in the san jose area, so it’s just not the best choice for that climate. Fescue lawns are much more prevalent, as well as bluegrass/ryegrass blends that do better in cool weather.
Lots of regulations on shipping live sprigs/plugs into CA, so it’s not a big market for that.
Contact Golden Nursery in San Mateo for some info on Pacific Sod’s St Aug variety.
gasod – posted 11 February 2004 08:49
When researching Palmetto St. Augustine it was called a specific variety and not just a brand name. It was originally thought to have been a cross between Bitter Blue and one of the Africa varieties. Does anyone else have specific detail on it?
Big Daddy – posted 28 February 2004 14:03
I found St. Augustine/Palmetto at Quality Turf in San Jacinto. They deliver to my local Home Depot. Visit http://www.qturf.com.
Loreno – posted 22 June 2004 20:54
Have you checked out the web site of West Coast Turf, in Palm Desert, CA? They sell it.Also, you can read all about the history of it, etc. at:
Now, where can we get the seed??
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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