when to fertilize
paul15 – posted 10 February 2008 17:42
i live in south texas and am wondering when i should begin to fertilize my SA. also which fertilizer should i use. please help.
Almaroad – posted 22 February 2008 13:07
Paul: This is a very big subject. You will need a pre-emergent herbicide with your fertilizer. To determine what how much fertilizer and how what mix requires a soil test. Contact your local county extention agency to give you these instructions. More than likely you will need a 15-0-15 product from Lesco or Anderson’s. These are professional products but anyone can buy them. I suggest that you put down something like: (See link)http://www.lesco.com/?PageID=27&ItemNumber=069122 Apply by direction on bag. St. Augustine needs 1lb of Nitrogen (First number on bag) per 1000 square feet of lawn. This products contains Dimension, a weed preventive. After the first application it will need another application in about 8-10 weeks. After that just 15-0-15 in another 8 weeks or so until August 31. You will put down about 4.5lb/1000sq.ft. Water in the first two application after it is put down. If this is too much to take in, contact a professional applicator to do it for you. If you have the time, it is not difficult but does require to keep up with what you have done and when. Hope this helps a little, Roy
paul15 – posted 24 February 2008 14:17
i really apreciate the help. I am going to take your advice and try it. thanks again
Alex_in_FL – posted 06 April 2008 04:35
You should have put down a pre-emergent and possibly a weed killer by now. You probably should fertilize now.
Too many people fertilizer too early when the weeds are growing faster than the grass so they actually fertilize the weeds. And the weed and feed product does kill the weed but it also slows the grass growth so you do not want to use weed and feeds until later in the year (if you even want to use them).
Best of luck to you.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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