Help with dead spots
grnenvy – posted 20 January 2008 09:45
I applied 2 treatments of lesco weed and feed on my St. Augustine about 6 weeks. Now I have alot of dead spots in my yard and wondering why this happened. I’m having problems believeing that all the dead spots were weeds. What can I do to help this my grass is suffering and before i applied the yard was outstanding with about 15% weeds. I live outside of Tampa. Thanks
Almaroad – posted 22 January 2008 13:26
There’s several reasons for this. St. Augustine Decline is one reason, another is Brown Patch, yet another is clinch bugs, fungas is still another factor. It is very hard to narrow it down. How much Nitrogen did you put down per 1000sq.ft? What was the analysis of the fertilize? When did you apply it? Go into a little more detail if you can. What about the watering? Is it irrigated? This may be almost impossible to nail down. You might get the local county extention agent to stop by and take a look. I’d help more but need a lot more info and a photo if possible. Also, the grass could be going into dormancy but that should have happened months ago. Roy
grnenvy – posted 24 January 2008 07:50
Thanks for the reply.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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