What type of grass should I use
R1rider – posted 09 July 2004 11:52
Just bought a new house and they hydroseeded it and there is nothing but weeds when I went home for a weekend( I’m in the military and have been gone for about a month.)I’m going to get some sod and was wondering what was a good grass for the NC area, Fayeteville to be exact. It is nothing but sand and I don’t have any shade either so what do you guys recomend.
tommy – posted 10 July 2004 12:52
Consult a sod farm in your general area! They will be growing whats adapted to your “neck in the woods”.
Cary – posted 17 July 2004 18:25
If you really want to use cool season grass, I suggest you stick with Plantation Tall fescue, or Southern Gold Tall fescue. Rebels are OK.
If warm season, then I recommend Zoysia. Bermuda it’s too agressive, Centepede is apple green in color.
I personally like the Emerald Zoysia. It’s dark green in color, fine bladed, very dense turf. In your area it will probably be brown for 6 months or less.
Good luck.
ted – posted 17 July 2004 19:27
i would absolutely recommend tall fescue, only.
Xavier – posted 18 July 2004 13:06
Both can be grown in you area.
Tall fescue will required A LOT more work than Zoysia.
If you want fescue to stay green for 3 or 4 months in the summer, then must water it EVERYDAY.
During the winter months, it turn apple green to light brown depending on the type of fescue.
I used to love fescue (turf-type)but there’s so much work involved to just keep it green during the hot summer months that I’ve decided against it.
Do some more research and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
PRONOMAN – posted 21 July 2004 06:12
I also live in NC, fescue will be a BAD idea for you if you don’t plan on spending a lot of time baby sitting it. If you are in to low maintenance…centipede is the way to go here in NC, especially in a sandy area. Lots of people like Bermuda…or even a zoysia. I personally do not have centipede, but would reccomend it to you because it is very low maintenance.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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