what kind of grass that would work best
www.billnovagrp.com – posted 14 February 2004 20:49
I’m currenly doing a jet fuel line project on a air force base in the island of Guam (Anderson Air force Base). we are in the process on hydroseeding the affected areas wher we have put our new fuel lines. I need to know what would be the best kind of grass to grow. the temperature stays around 85 deg. year round here, humidity is real high. and I need the grass to grow FAST. my contract calls for sod but the prices here on Guam is outrageous. I need to know what kind of seed that would work best for me to hydroseed on this Island, somthing that will look good and grow fast and last long. I hope you can help me out.
ted – posted 19 February 2004 16:06
provided that the temps are correct, i would say tall fescue might be your choice. bermuda possibly a second choice, but bermuda seed is slow…..-have no idea about other environmental factors like bugs and disease, etc.
GL&I – posted 25 February 2004 08:32
D O T has a mix for road sides, consisting of bahia , Burmuda , and some other inert grass seeds this would be cheap and quick.
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