Weed ID please…
bassadict69 – posted 07 June 2004 17:48
I’ll try linking directly to the idividual pics. Someone please try to identify and let me know how to kill them…
First Weed (kind of grows in thick patches)http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL525/2272846/4450768/55736537.jpghttp://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL525/2272846/4450768/55736479.jpghttp://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL525/2272846/4450768/55736455.jpg
Second Weed (may be same as first)http://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL525/2272846/4450768/55736507.jpg
Third Weedhttp://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL525/2272846/4450768/55736422.jpghttp://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL525/2272846/4450768/55736394.jpg
Fourth Weedhttp://pic14.picturetrail.com/VOL525/2272846/4450768/55736344.jpg
If these don’t work…please let me know!
ted – posted 07 June 2004 20:16
a few more closeups please- the first looked like crabgrass, but there was also more than one weed…
bassadict69 – posted 07 June 2004 20:19
Most of those weeds are in my front yard which I mowed a couple of days ago. I’ll probably have to wait a couple days to get more pics, it grows really quick. I’ll get some more of the weeds in the back tomorrow.Thanks…
volabroad – posted 07 June 2004 21:24
#1 and #2 look the same, and I have BOTH in my front yard. It spreads rapidly and grows in any vacant space. . .
I’m pretty sure it is a crabgrass. I used the Ortho crabgrass concentrate, mixed with the proper amount of water in a hand pump sprayer. I tried to be even, and all of it turned yellow in 1 to 3 days. I hit some of it again, and those parts died out within a week — raked it out of the lawn.
I’m in ATL, GA, and it began appearing in mid-April, so I’m guessing crabgrass pre-emergent would have prevented it. It dies out in the first or second freeze and will leave big brown spots where it was (if prevelant).
bassadict69 – posted 09 June 2004 09:29
Any ideas on #3 or #4?
seed – posted 09 June 2004 16:09
Weed #1 – crabgrass (the 2nd + 3rd photos)Weed #2 – can’t tell which is the weed – the globe sedge?Weed #3 – cudweedWeed #4 – bahiagrass, possibly
bassadict69 – posted 10 June 2004 11:48
Is there something that will kill ALL of these different weeds? What can I try?
Alex_in_FL – posted 12 June 2004 11:43
Roundup will kill the weeds, grass, shrubs, and even furniture painted green. If you want a selective herbicide then I need to know what type grass that is (I can’t identify it from the pictures).
certified_in_florida – posted 02 July 2004 21:20
Actually, round-up will not adequately control the globe sedge or the crab grass. I do agree that we need to know what type of grass you have.
bassadict69 – posted 03 July 2004 08:34
I am not real sure what kind of grass it is. Some Centipede & some Bermuda…I THINK.
luis – posted 19 July 2004 23:06
Hey Alex your funny as hell.That’s the 2nd time you have cracked me up with your humor.Keep up the good work!
Alex_in_FL – posted 10 August 2004 04:51
Luis…!!!!!!! <thanks>
Roundup kills crabgrass and will top burn sedge. My “real” point was to provide help we need info (grass type + weed types minimum, location helps too). Many selective weed killers available but wrong one and you just as well have used roundup.
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