Watering too much???

QDOG – posted 21 May 2007 12:21

I recently had new bermuda sod put down and have been watering like crazy to ensure it takes. Some of the pallets that were used had great grass and others were borderline. The heavy watering seems to have helped to this point. As I understand it though, bermuda CAN BE watered too much. Is that so? If so, what are the signs, how long after having the new sod laid should I back off on the watering?

tommy – posted 22 May 2007 14:59

It depends on how well the soil drains, and what the heat index is. If you have a poorly drained soil in hot-humid conditions, the turf will eventually become diseased. If neither of those conditions exsist, go ahead and water until your sure the sod is well rooted. Usually heavy watering is not neccesary past the second week after sodding. It sounds like your at the point where you could water every other day.

QDOG – posted 23 May 2007 08:16

Thanks for the info, however still wondering what are the signs of watering too much???

tommy – posted 24 May 2007 14:41

There may not be any signs if the soil drains well, and the nutrient levels are ok. Bermuda is considered a low water use plant, but it will tolerate swampy conditions also. As a general guide line, an established bermuda lawn will be watered any where from once to three times a week. It all depends on how deeply the root zone is being watered each time- also soil conditions, and whether or not tree roots are an issue. Trial and error will give you a good idea of your particular situation. Play with your watering schedule and see what works best, and don’t worry if the bermuda wilts a little in the process. It will tolerate some drought stress……even as a new lawn. Just make sure you don’t let it get dry as a bone! (I doubt that you will)

cbmiller – posted 27 May 2007 12:14

I just put down new sod last week. It’s now a week old and we’ve been getting pounded with rain here in Dallas for the past week. Should I be concerned about the amount of water the new sod is getting. It’s all very green and very well secured down and putting on roots.

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