Too late to sod?
Tony – posted 17 September 2003 17:18
I live in central New Jersey and I am thinking about re-doing my front lawn with bluegrass sod. Is it too late in the year to be doing this? Any pointers?
ec – posted 25 September 2003 18:23
“Whereas timing is critical in seeding a lawn, a sod lawn can be installed at almost any time of the year as long as weather permits and water is available. Ideal times to install sod are in late summer, early fall, and early spring for cool-season grasses; late spring and early summer for warm- season grasses.”
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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