to much fertilizer?

svcrawf72 – posted 14 March 2004 20:05

I just laid some Scott Bouns weed and feed “March 1”. I am thinking of throwing down Turf Builder 1 month later “April 1” and then max guard 2 months later “june 1st” and then leaving it alone till fall. WOuld I be doing harm to the lawn? I read that sod places fertilize the heck out of their sod so I am thinking this might be ok for a one time a year? I can do with out the max guard I guess till later but what I am really after is growth right now and getting the yard going strong before summer sets in.

svcrawf72 – posted 14 March 2004 21:52

You know, I see a lot about cornmeal. Maybe I will go with that instead. Anyone know of a place online to buy it cheap? or where I can get it in town… Homedepot?

svcrawf72 – posted 14 March 2004 21:57

how often can cornmeal be used with out over doing it? once a month? every other month?

Dchall_San_Antonio – posted 15 March 2004 07:40

Corn meal is best bought locally. 50-pound bags get expensive to ship. Call a few feed stores and ask if they have it or know where to get it. You want a product that is ground into small meal if at all possible.

Alfalfa pellets, soy meal, milo meal, or any other ground up seed also makes a good organic fertilizer. The application rate is 10-20 pounds per 1,000 sqsuare feet. I fertilize 4 times per season. I think the only way to overdo corn meal is to use too much. If you were to use 40-80 pounds per 1,000 square feet, you might have a “fragrance” problem when the decomposing fungus grows too fast and temporarily sours the soil there.

These protein based fertilizers take about 3 weeks before you see any change to the grass, so if you can anticipate needing it by 3 weeks, you’ll be real happy with the results. It doesn’t hurt anything if you water it in or not. It won’t really go to work until it becomes at least damp, though.

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