gregcoya – posted 22 February 2004 20:52
I have had sea isle 1 for 2 yrs. I love it, but I have yet to vetricut and I have a thick layer of thatch. how much of aproject is this and how stressful is it on the lawn. I have approx 5500 sq ft. Greg coya my e-mail is gr******@ta******.com
Dchall_San_Antonio – posted 04 March 2004 00:18
Thatch usually develops from watering too often and too lightly. Proper watering is done for 1-2 hours per zone and no more often than once per week during the hottest part of summer.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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