Stolons on St Augustine
Qwerty – posted 25 August 2005 17:31
Does anyone know the color of stolons of SA Reliegh? I’m trying to figure out which variety of this SA is. It has thick green purplish stolon and I thought it looked like Floratam SA because that’s all I ever hear, purple stolon. I couldn’t find much else on the stolon color of other SA varieties.
turfrus – posted 26 August 2005 07:43
Stolon of Raleigh is light yellowish. Floratam is too cold sensitive to plant in Dallas, unless someone screwed up.
QWERTY – posted 26 August 2005 08:13
Thanks. I agree with you on Floratam being not cold tolerant in Dallas area. I called Turfgrass America where I got palmetto from asking him about few spots that have large stolon slightly purple stolons and they said they do not carry Floratam and Reliegh is the only other SA that they have on the same sod farm that I got Palmetto from so I don’t know… About 98% of the yard have green stolon so that’s Palmetto. I’m just puzzled to see several isolated spots with large slightly purple stolons.
QWERTY – posted 26 August 2005 21:44
Does anyone know any SA variety beside Floratam that produces thick slightly purple stolons?
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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