Starting a sod farm… where to start
HORSE DIVA – posted 26 April 2004 11:32
I have recently thought about retiring from three day event competitions, which allows me to free-up alot of acreage on my property, in Lancaster County, Pa. Where do I start to look into costs, grass types, suitable fields… etc. thanking you in advance, HORSE DIVA
cohiba – posted 27 April 2004 14:41
Lancaster is a beautiful part of the state. I would suggest you test the waters to see what the market will bear. With all the new building Kentucky Bluegrass/Fescue mixes will probably sell quicker than anything. I would imagine that you would need alot of acres to make money. This sod sells for about .13 sq.ft. An acre could get you $5600.00 per crop (1-2 per year). On the other hand Creeping Bentgrass goes for .85 sq.ft. Or $37,000 per acre per crop. The equipment for each is simliar but the bentgrass doesn’t have as big a market. In any event I suggest you hire a person that has turf experience or rent your ground out top one of the major growers that is willing to move into another area. The equipment and its maintenance is a major investment and if you produce a product thet is not 100% you will have acres of turf that simply won’t sell to anyone but developers. There is a few turf growers associations that might be a good resourse.
Good Luck….. and If you get things up and running I’d love to come as see it. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing acres and acres of nice turf growing in a field.
Hope this helps…….
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