St. Augustine is creeping!!!!!!!
Visualhollywood – posted 14 September 2005 09:44
I need help really bad. I purchased my house about 2 years ago and my lawn really looks good. I have worked hard to make it one of the best yards in the neighborhood. I have bermuda grass but my surrounding neighbors have St.Augustine and it has creeped into my yard. It is trying to take over. I want to kill the St. Augustine without harming my precious Bermuda. Can anyone help me with information? I live in killeen, texas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
tommy – posted 16 September 2005 09:27
Get your self a little spray bottle and mix up some crabgrass killer. Whenever you see some St Augustine coming thru, hit it up and watch it wither! It won’t harm the Bermuda, but its very damaging to St Augustine! Broadleaf weed killers are also very hard on St Augustine- but not bermuda.
Tmarley – posted 25 September 2005 12:50
The previous message is right. Also, if you are still a little concerned that it might hurt your Bermuda, then you can do this. If your Bermuds goes dormant in the winter, once it is completely dormant and brown, weed killer will not roundup will not hurt the Bermuda but will kill the St. Augustine. Just a thought.
BuckinNC – posted 26 September 2005 09:13
If you’re going with RoundUp make absolutely sure the turf is dornant. To do this, select a small spot and light it on fire. If it will continue to burn after the match has gone out it is dormant. If the fire will not sustain itself, it is not yet dormant. Have a hose handy, because if it is dormant you don’t want to burn too big an area. Doesn’t really hurt it, and it will come back in the spring; just looks like crap.
wadevl – posted 07 October 2005 20:07
if you get MSMAits awsome, will smoke that stuffand leave your Bermuda solid
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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