St. Augustine grass has yellow spots and no roots
12ofuskids – posted 20 April 2004 22:47
My lawn is 30 years old, I have always had St. Augustine and Bermuda and wanted the St. Augustine to take over. Lately my grass has turned yellow and the roots have rotted off. My question now is how soon can I put down new St. Augustine? Should I treat for a fugus or can I spread cornmeal and lay sod on top of that. I have large bare spots where the grass just pulled up.
[This message has been edited by 12ofuskids (edited 20 April 2004).]
certified-in-florida – posted 01 May 2004 19:29
I guess I’m not clear on what you are considering – replacement of the lawn? Resodding the bare areas?
If resodding, then you can do it anytime. The same for the bare areas only.
I wouldn’t blindly apply a fungicide. I think you need to find out what has caused the problems you are having. Too much water? Low areas that collect water? Fungus? Old grub worm damage from the last season? I would suggest calling a professional or taking some samples to your local university extension office to find out what is wrong. If you don’t, your new St. Aug could go the way of the old stuff.
Good luck.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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