st augustine grass
melinda0201 – posted 28 July 2008 19:48
I had a lovely yard and it was time to put Scotts Pro Lawn Super Turf Builder with Summerguard. I live in Florida and the temps have been in the upper 90’s. We did have rain the night before and I guess the grass was wet. But, it rained hard two hours after I put it out. It has rained for two days now and then today, my grass has brown burned spots. I really don’t know what to do, except I put top soil on it and water it on each zone for 40 minutes. Now it is really wet. Does anyone have any suggestions. Our Association will fine me if the yard is taken over with brown spots.
Almaroad – posted 31 July 2008 08:49
Nitrogen will promote fungus whe conditions are right. I do not know or care to use any of the Scott’s stuff. What is the Nitrogen analysis of the stuff? You’re going to need a GOOD Fungicide. Eagle EW applied will help correct the problem. That topsoil will just promote the problem. The Nitrogen builds up heat with the help of the topsoil and causes causes the stolens/crowns/leaves to release their sugars and rot. Who advised you to put topsoil or any organic matter on the growing St. Augustine turf. Hit it with the Eagle fungicide and switch to Cleary’s 3336 next month. Warn you–this stuff is expensive and it would be really cheaper to have a professional applicator to do it. They have the right equipment to spray evenly. Fungicide really should be forced into the ground with some high pressure equipment.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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