St Augustine drying and dying

bjewell – posted 18 May 2002 17:35

I have a relatively new lawn (about 5 months) and I am alarmed to see that the grass seems to be drying up and dying.

I applied a St Augustine weed and feed last month and the grass became wonderfully green and thick, but slowly the leaves began to turn deep green and curling along the length of the leaf (drying out), then dying after about 10 days.

It is spreading across my lawn rather quickly though the areas along the edge of my house don’t seem to be affested yet.

I am watering twice a week for about 20 minutes so I don’t think it’s not getting enough water.

Anyone have any suggestions?

WillR – posted 18 May 2002 21:10

Sounds to me like your grass is wilting from not enough water.

The University of Florida has a good article on St Augustine, and can offer watering tips there. You might do some reading, but I am almost certain you arent watering deeply enough.

Good luck!


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