Soil pH

johnboy – posted 29 October 2002 20:58

Can someone tell me what it means when your pH is low or high. When your pH is low doesn’t that mean that it will be hard to grow grass from seed. I know it acidity. My sample was 5.1 Thanks, John

johnboy – posted 07 November 2002 17:36

Does anybody have the answer

seed – posted 11 November 2002 13:12

johnboy, pH 5.1 is low, definitely in the acid range, but some grasses do fine in low pH. Actually, one of the main problems with very low pH is the toxicity of certain elements such as aluminum, while other elements such as phosphorus are not very available. Depending on what grass you are growing, pH modification would seem appropriate.


james – posted 13 January 2003 20:19

johnboy: get that ph up in the 6.5 range! you’ll need pelletized lime – use 40 pounds per 1000 sq. ft. then you can start having a lawn. too cold to seed now.

George777 – posted 15 March 2003 20:47

pH is the measure of [H+] ion concentration.It represents the hydrogen ion activity in solution. The pH scale is logarithmic, meaning a soil pH of 4 is 100 times more acidic than a pH of 6.the scale goes from 1-14, 7 is neutral- below 7 is said to be acidic, and above 7 is alkalinity.

If you have not tested your soil I wouls do so.

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