Seeded Zoysia or Argentine Bahia East Central FL
pks2141 – posted 14 April 2011 12:01
I have recently purchased a new home in Titusville. I am about a mile off the water so salt isn’t a big issue although, I have to check the well I have have for salt. I can’t afford to sod and actually don’t like the St Augustine I have in South FL.
So, I am looking to replace the dead lawn, or lawn of nothing but weeds, I just bought I have with seed. BTW, my son in his mid 20s will be the main care taker of the lawn. Because his dedication will be spotty, I excluded Bermuda. Also, I already have a 3 y/o Rotorary Mower. So, I think it leaves me with seeded Zoysia or Bahia.
Couple of more factors. The front yard is shade less so full on sun. The back yard is I’ll call it Part sun (more sun than shade but not full on sun.)
awin4me – posted 20 April 2011 00:31
Bahia is going to be the simplest for ya to have your son take care of.
If you are going to try to “seed” zoysia it will take some effort and dedication in my opinion.
You can probably find bahia for $45-$55 per pallet in your area. I’d just spray round up to kill everything, till it, and lay the bahia. Water it and it’ll green up pretty fast.
pks2141 – posted 20 April 2011 11:04
thanks. I actually am trying two different attacks. Bahia seed in the front, Bermuda in the back.
Walked the neighborhood and noticed the best lawns were Bermuda grown and mowwed at maybe 2 inches. Neighbors are trying Bahia sod. I am trying the blends (Bahia and Bermuda) from Hancock Seed. Let’s see how it works out.
I am willing to post pics of the results but I don’t know how.
[This message has been edited by pks2141 (edited 20 April 2011).]
awin4me – posted 21 April 2011 23:03
S & K Sod out of St. Cloud is a good source. They quoted me $91 for 10 pallets of zoysia. $45 for Bahia
pks2141 – posted 22 April 2011 06:35
Great price. Delivered?
awin4me – posted 23 April 2011 23:04
Ha, no sorry, that price was for me picking it up. My friend has a landscaping business I was going to “borrow” his flatbed and lift truck.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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