Sand Burrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OUSoonerPIP – posted 11 June 2002 18:11
I live in Oklahoma and I bought my house from an elderly lady. Apparently she didn`t mow the grass very often and I have about 2 1/2 acr. of sand burrs. I have been mowing the yard once a week to try and kill the sand burrs out, but they seem to be growing along the ground and still producing stickers. I have tried to drig them out, but their are so many it is almost impossible. Can anyone recommend a sticker kill that I can spray on them to kill them? Please instead of replying on the message board, please email me at OU*********
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much and I enjoy this site alot.
Tony Pippin
WillR – posted 12 June 2002 06:37
Hi Tony,
I replied to your post about this in the other forum.
You can link to it here –>
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