Replacing St. Aug with Empire Zoysia
MrSolo – posted 09 June 2010 10:45
I was planing on replacing my back yard with Empire Zoysia. Roughly 5-6K sq ft and mainly full sun.
While I have had good success with the St. Augustine that is down now, my 4 dogs tear it up with the running and training I do with them. I would put Bermuda down, but that is way too much maintenance let alone the cost.
Would Empire be a good tolerate grass for my needs? And I am only planing on doing 1/2 of the yard now due to cost of total replacement.
I have killed the grass, waited 2 weeks, cultivated, cleaned out old grass and resprayed grass killer. I will re-cultivate in in 2 more weeks then replace. I was told not to prefertilize with new Empire, but wait 4-6 weeks to do so.
Can the Empire and St. Augustine grow next to each other or should I plan on keeping a foot of tilled spaced between the St. Augustine and empire till next season when i plan on doing the other half? I own a Stihl kombi cultivator attachment so it wouldn’t be much maintenance.
Free Man – posted 12 June 2010 11:54
I don’t see any problem with them growing adjacent. My neighbor has St Augustine and what happens is that some of the runners try and grow up over the top and plant down on top of my Zoysia. Since St Augustine is so easily pulled up and has such a shallow root (compared to Zoysia or Bermuda) all you have to do is occasionally pull up a few runners and you are done.
Where are you out of?
mrmumbels – posted 17 June 2010 18:33
Or you can just put down a weed killer that’s not meant for st aug. Pretty much everythig I put on my lawn kills my neighbors St Aug lawn and never harms mine.
mrmumbels – posted 19 June 2010 11:09
I actually just read your post in full. I wouldn’t put in empire. St Aug grows much faster and is far less maintenance. If you want to come see my lawn you’ll quickly decide against it. I’ve been struggling for 3 years now. If I had St Aug my life would be easy.
ken4255 – posted 21 June 2010 07:15
I agree some Zoysias can have a problem with recovery time after wear. But in full sun it might not be that much of a problem. Have you considered Jamur zoysia or El Toro?
Free Man – posted 22 June 2010 16:01
St Augustine is possibly the worst grass choice that has come to the state of Florida. Almost every aspect of Empire Zoysia is better than most St Augustine varieties, if only be a small margin.
Empire Zoysia is only slow in terms of vertical growth, it does quite well growing horizontally and in fact many actually complain too well as it can encrouch into planted beds that are adjacent to your yard.
If your lawn is in full sun, and especially if you live in Florida, you are going to be much better off in the long run (after your empire is established) going with Zoysia.
St Augustine easily requires 50% more water, once Zoysia is established, it grows vertically twice as fast so you have to mow it at least 50% more often, and it also requires more fertilizer over time in addition to be highly susceptible to some of the worst yard pests in the state. While Zoysia gets some of the same pests, it skips many of them and is far more resistant to the others.
Let us know how your project ends up.
mrmumbels – posted 27 June 2010 18:23
Free Man, Do you have a zoysia lawn? I sounded just like you a few years back when I installed mine and loved it. Now, I’m semi regreting my decision. It’s got major problems and noone seems to know what they are.
botanicalbill – posted 02 October 2010 08:48
Do you get small brown circles that get bigger and then take up a 10 foot by 10 foot section? Billbugs. The only pest for Empire. Eaisly controled with bifenthrin. Once I sprayed my lawn, it has taken off out of control.
mrmumbels – posted 04 October 2010 18:00
no busg here. Just rootless dried up zoysia
awin4me – posted 04 October 2010 22:25
What are you conditions your sod is in? Is it in full sun?Empire does not perform well in shade, I’d say it needs 80% sun.
Have you tested the ph?Is your soil too sandy? Nutrient loss…..What is your mow height? Do you water with irrigation?
I love my Empire, I used to be a St. Augustine owner. My community is all St. Augustine and I have the best looking grass. I like Empire (I’m in full sun, no trees really), much much less bug issues. Chinch bugs eat St. Aug. for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The only bugs I have is an occasional ant bed pops up in the grass and its easy to take care of.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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