Replace Zoysia with Bermuda
Jason Park – posted 24 February 2010 22:16
I will replace Zoysia with Bermuda at the golf course. I decided Riviera as the variety but can not decide the q’ty of it. Normally it is recommended 2~3 lbs for new turf, but I wonder it is applied to existing turf as well. We have to close the course only 2 or 3 weeks due to sales issue. So we can not remove all Zoysia before overseeding Riviera. I appreciated at any experience with overseeding bermuda on any type of grass.
tommy – posted 01 March 2010 16:15
It depends on how quick a cover (of bermuda)you want. If the Zoysia is in decent shape, you may be able to go 1lb per , and just let it fill in over time. Cut the Zoysia short enough to open up the canopy, aerify, seed, drag the cores, and fertilize.
Jason Park – posted 02 March 2010 00:28
Thank you, Tommy. Zoysia is warm season grass and Bermuda also need more than 65 degree F for germination. So we have to seed bermuda in summer which Zoysia is very active in growth. We are seriously consider 3lb. per 1000 sq. ft. or more. Thank you again.
Alex_in_FL – posted 15 May 2010 02:57
Ouch. I would not take that approach for a golf course unless you are okay with patches of zoysia and patches of bermuda.
You need to completely kill the zoysia first. This means spraying it with roundup (while green and growing). Waiting 2 weeks and spraying any green zoysia again, then doing this a third time in a week or so. Otherwise you will have patches of zoysia and patches of Bermuda.
Jason Park – posted 15 May 2010 16:24
Thank you for advice. The reason why I replace Zoysia with Bermuda is large patches which can not be controlled in this area. As I know, there is patches in bermuda grass but it will not affect so much like to Zoysia. I only focus on the damping off at very young bermuda within 3 weeks after germination – Our team have selected Riviera as the veriety of bermuda.You have concern about the patches on burmuda. Please let me know the symptoms of the patches happened to bermuda.
Thank you.
Alex_in_FL – posted 22 May 2010 07:20
If you do not completely kill off the zoysia you will have areas of mixed zoysia/bermuda all across the course (this is what I meant by patches). Golfers do NOT like changing types of grass in the fairway.
A course with mixed grasses is less visually attractive, and will likely result in lower green fee rates.
I personally like zoysia. But Bermuda does grow back in faster.
Good luck.
Jason Park – posted 23 May 2010 02:01
Thank you for your advice. We have decided to completely replace Zoysia with Bermuda after kill the existing Zoysia. But it takes about 3 years because we change 9 holes out of 27 holes in a year. We have only 3 months in which the temperature is higher than 70F.
Thank you again and I will contact you during the next process.
Best Regards,Jason Park
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