Grass taking over Bermuda
tlawson07 – posted 18 January 2010 16:23
Hi, somewhat new to landscaping/lawn care, so bare with me . Have 3-4 year old bermuda grass. Noticed this year have some sort of grass (very green) that has surfaced in the winter when bermuda has gone dormant. Assuming it is some sort of perennial grass that thrives during this time. It has seeds and tends to spread and take over Bermuda grass.
Anyway I can get rid of it w/o killing the bermuda? Thoughts? Options?
turfgrass – posted 21 January 2010 18:21
Roundup(glyphosate) is labeled for “COMPLETELY DORMANT” bermuda. If you have any green, I don’t recommend this route.
Your weed sounds like either poa annua, or perennial ryegrass. And a herbicide named “Revolver” (foramsulfuron) will kill both…warmer temps. help speed up the process.
You need to apply a pre-emergent early next fall…such as pendimethalin or prodiamine. You may also apply this spring to help with summer annuals.
tlawson07 – posted 25 January 2010 09:43
Thanks, what kind of pre-emergent do you recommend for bermuda for spring and then fall?
tlawson07 – posted 25 January 2010 09:44
Nevermind – I see the emergent on your last posting.
tlawson07 – posted 25 January 2010 12:08
Where can I get named “Revolver” (foramsulfuron)? Do you need a special license for this? I imagine you cannot go to your local Homedepot or nursery for this?
Thanks in advance…
turfgrass – posted 26 January 2010 20:04
no, you don’t need a license.
you can get it at your local ag. chemical distributor, or john deere landscapes.
just make sure and read the label.
turfgrass – posted 26 January 2010 20:06
here’s a link for the label.
SodManSod – posted 10 February 2010 17:46
I just read your question about green weed coming up in your dormant bermuda.
He’s correct poa or annual rye, and revolver is real good I use it on sports fields.
Not sure what he reccommended on Pre-emergentbut do not use barricade. It will inhibit rhizome activity in the spring.I use Ronstar on all my warm season grasses
tlawson07 – posted 12 February 2010 11:09
Thanks for reply…any rules of thumb on purchases and applying to yard (house).
Still trying to locate a place to buy.
1.) Have sections in the yard where it is popping up. Would i apply just to those areas?2.) Any concern with having young children exposed?3.) How do you typically apply the herbicide?
turfgrass – posted 12 February 2010 12:58
sodman – I’ve never seen a product containing Ronstar that is labeled for home lawns.Barricade(prodiamine), pendimethalin and dithiopyr are all root inhibitors…and all are widely used on bermuda. Ronstar is good stuff, but not really necessary unless you’ve got new sod or sprigs.
tlawson – yes, you may spot treat with Revolver. Get your hands on some and read the label for all of your other questions.
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