reddish brown tip

frenchman – posted 30 September 2002 17:06

I have El Toro Zoysia and in some places the tip of the grass has a reddish brown color to it. I’m thinking it’s either brown patch or rust. If it was a golf course green I would know. Someone tell me what it is and it will ring a bell. Thanks

frenchman – posted 06 October 2002 20:44

Someone knows this answer

wdrake – posted 07 October 2002 06:04

I vote “Rust”

Catch your clippings and apply a fungicide

George777 – posted 11 October 2002 18:58

I would take a soil sample and determine if there is a phosphorus deficiency. This may affect old leaves by turning them deep blue green and then red. Before you spend the money on a fungicide find out if you have rust. Your local county extension office will be able to help you and most will come to your home and check it out for nothing.

Once you got your soil sample you will be able to customize your fert program to ensure optimum environment for a healthy turf. If we ignore the soil we are simply missing the boat. Just because one has a green lawn does not mean it is healthy. The Soil is where I would start because if you get it right you will have a nice lawn to enjoy.

seed – posted 14 October 2002 08:20

Rust disease in zoysiagrass:

It is supposed to occur more in shady areas. Several fungicides will control the disease.


frenchman – posted 15 October 2002 21:45

Phil, I believe it’s brown patch. Can you show me a picture of what it looks like in Zoysia. Thanks

seed – posted 16 October 2002 07:45

frenchman, I do not recall seeing brownpatch in zoysiagrass, but the symptoms should be similar to St. Augustinegrass:

On of the telltale symptoms is the way the young leaf shoots pull out easily. The patch may not necessarily be a nice circle; it could be weak on one side forming a crescent.


frenchman – posted 16 October 2002 14:35

I thought the same thing, but it looks alot like brown patch. It’s in a circular patterns and the grass pulls out very easily. I believe what happened was I left irrigation program on in late Sept and the first of Oct and it has been cool here in Western Kentucky. Thanks, Adam

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