Parking on Lawn, can anything be done?

jtmerch – posted 14 September 2004 12:37

Hello, We have a full driveway (2 cars) and have a third car on the side grass that’s driven daily. Now a big car sized dirt spot has developed in that area that the car parks in. My question is is there any way possible to be able to park in that side area without having it turn into a huge dirt spot? Are there any products that can keep the grass from dying? Or, is there a simply cover solution that we can install ourselves so the grass at least looks okay in this area? Thanks for any help.

Lawn Medic – posted 05 October 2004 13:26

I’m not sure of the name, but a company sells a hard plastic web that supports the weight of a car, but protects the roots of the lawn. If I think of the name I’ll post it! Look around, it’s available!

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