Palmetto Problem
Rocketman – posted 07 August 2002 13:43
Hello all,
I’m in need of advise. Back in April of this year I had a Palmetto lawn installed. In was starting to take nicely until the rains started. Here in central Florida, we’ve had record breaking amounts of rainfall and my new lawn (Palmetto) is now starting to show some signs as a result. The grass is starting to thin with some areas (1’X 1′) showing signs of root rot. Any guidance to regain growth/thickness will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
wdrake – posted 07 August 2002 14:03
If you think you have a root disease check out this site for descriptions and suggested treatments.
You may try foliage feeding to preserve what green growth you have until the real problem can be solved. I’ve also heard that topdressing will help plus I believe you’ll find that the University of Florida is now recommending 1 pound of potassium for each pound of nitrogen in St Augustine, as well as Centipede grass, fertilize. Other than that – cut high, mow often, water only when needed and pray. I did all that, plus put down $7 zillion worth of fungicide on my new “BitterBlue” lawn two years ago and lost 90% of it anyway. I wish you better luck!
[This message has been edited by wdrake (edited 07 August 2002).]
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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