Over Watering? Yellowish in less then one week!
funtime24 – posted 01 April 2010 13:05
I laid down 300 square feet of Tall Fescue in Southern California (less then a week ago) over a hilly section (It has a few low spots!). These low spots are getting yellow and stay under water for 1/2 to 3/4 hour each watering! I water for 10 minuetes twice a day (Morning and late afternoon). Preped existing soil with organic material upto 18″ and all has great drainage (But low spots acquire much of the high spots water!). Used TOPPER Top soil to blend with existing upto top 5 inches (this has starter fertilizer).
The Problem is that the sod in low spots is getting yellow (Whole pieces of sod) and I fear it is over watered! Should I try watering for less time more often (Too avoid water buildup in low spots), Lift up sod and fill with more Top soil to make low spot less low, or should I put sand or topsoil on top to eleviate low spot??
Any advice is so appreciated, Thank You Mark Mitchell
d.k – posted 16 May 2010 19:35
Hi there. I’m in Florida, and just planted turf-type tall fescue in my front yard.
My started turning yellow, too, and I realized that I had been automatically watering on my old schedule– which was for a bermuda lawn.. That’s WAY too much water for fescue. So, I would venture the guess that it is definitely possible that you could be overwatering your fescue.
Personally, if the sod is still loose, I would peel it back and raise it with a mix of sand and soil— HOWEVER, there are a whole lot of folks on here with a lot more experience at these things than me; I’m just breaking the ice for you, ‘Kay?
Wait until they start weighing in.
[This message has been edited by d.k (edited 16 May 2010).]
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
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