out with Fescue….In with Bermuda…..Help!!
rookie – posted 12 May 2003 13:09
I live 25 miles north of Atlanta. Builder put fescue in back yard (6500 sq. feet) and it only took 1/2 way. I have ordered Bermuda Sod that I will put down myself. Can I just till up the Fescue and lay the Bermuda over it? Or do I have to kill it and remove it? Any other input would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
VooMan – posted 15 May 2003 10:53
Hi Rookie,
I’m not sure about what exactly you need to do, but I’m here to tell you that Bermuda will easily overtake fescue. I’m on the south side of Atlanta, and my backyard is fescue as well… I had a small patch of bermuda in the middle of the yard last year that just sort of started growing out of nowhere, and now it has almost completely taken over.
You would probably want to kill the fescue and till up the area in order to properly prepare the soil, but there’s no need to worry about any fescue after that. As long as you get the proper amount of sun, your fescue doesn’t stand a chance against the Bermuda.
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