Newly seeded tall fescue grass wilting and dying
sh********@ao*.com – posted 02 June 2002 22:00
We planted the grass the end of March and it has done quite nicely until about a couple of weeks ago. We have been watering it 3 times per week for at least a half hour at a time. The grass seems to be shriveling up, turning light brown and dying. When we saw it shrivel, wilt and stems lay down we assumed it needed more water. Are we overwatering? So far it is not the whole area but it is starting to spread we think. When can we water just once a week for 1-3 inches at a time? We live in Dallas, TX. Thanks for your help.
frenchman – posted 04 June 2002 21:15
Have you fertilize it or put any pre-emerge down?
dericos – posted 21 August 2004 14:31
I had the same problem here in Memphis. It’s the Sun and Heat. I tilled, fertized, added gypsum and lime to the correct PH. I used Plantation and it came up like a picture postcard and then thinned and died in 4 weeks. I had a timer watering 3 times a day for 30 minutes. The shady areas are surviving… After more research I discovered I planted too late in the spring, and the best time to plant is fall, to allow deep root growth to survive the summer. I’ll plant Plantation again in mid September and if it dies off next summer I’ll plug Del Mar St. Augustine.
P.S. The best and easiest seeding method I’ve found is to overseed 20%, till the seed into the soil 1 1/2 inches and rake smooth.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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