New Meyer Sod … Nutsedge is Abundant.
vlb1222 – posted 24 May 2009 18:52
We put Meyer Zoysia in our backyard on April 21. Approx size 1/4 acre. Within 2-3 weeks we have Nutsedge growing abundantly. We did not have this problem with the Bermuda that we previously had in the backyard.
What can we treat the nutsedge with that won’t kill or damage the recently laid sod?
I’ve tried pulling it up, but I can’t get it all.
tommy – posted 25 May 2009 18:46
Use ‘Image’ herbicide, (I think Home depot carries it now). You may have to make a second application later in the summer. You will never get control by pulling it, because it has an extensive tuberous root system.
vlb1222 – posted 26 May 2009 08:33
So, the Image won’t hurt the new sod? How do I apply it?
tommy – posted 26 May 2009 12:30
If the lawn was new seedlings you would have a problem, but sod has a mature leaf and stolon structure- and therefore its ok to spray it at the recommended rate. Apply it with a hose end sprayer. Ask a sales person to help you find the correct sprayer.
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