New JaMur Zoysia lawn
Dixie – posted 22 June 2009 09:58
Well finally I had my new JaMur Zoysia sod layed Friday, June 19, 2009. Fifteen pallets. The sod looks beautiful and I could not be more pleased. Thank goodness I had a new irrigation system put in also. I would never have kept it alive in the 100 degree heat were having now. I am watering 20 minutes each zone at 6 am, noon, and 6pm. Does this sound about right? I don’t want to drown it, but I don’t want it to dry out either. Your thoughts will be appreciated.
tommy – posted 22 June 2009 13:19
Sounds ok, maybe a bit much, but if the soil drains reasonably well, you should be alright. The second week you should cut down to 2 start times, and the third week, 1 start time. The fourth week should be every other day. Run time will be 40 minutes or so per station on the 3rd and 4th week.
Love_Zoysia – posted 22 June 2009 17:56
Hi Dixie
I will be installing 2000 sq.feet of Jamur Zoysia day after tomorrow. Do you have any tips? I asked the farm to cut the sod thicker since I have Georgia red clay in my front lawn. I have added lime, Fertilizer and tilled.
Dixie – posted 23 June 2009 12:48
I did the same as you except I added some compost. If you have Georgia red clay, it may be a good idea for you too. If it is as hot in Georgia as NC, I hope you have an irrigation system. even 2000 sq ft is a lot to try to water manually. I investigated all different types of zoysia and decided on the JaMur and I love it. (so far) I don’t have any specific tips for you, but I think you made an excellect choice. Good Luck with your lawn!!
Dixie – posted 23 June 2009 12:54
By the extra thick turf, I assume it will have more soil. Then you are correct that it will help with the red clay. You should be fine and good to go.
Good Luck
tommy – posted 23 June 2009 15:56
Wow, JaMur Zoysia must be “the bomb”! haha…………… I just did a little research on it, and it do sound good! Its no wonder why it has become so popular. Its amazing how many different Zoysia types there are now. In the old days there were just a few different types….now I can hardly keep up with all the new names.
Dixie – posted 08 July 2009 12:10
Update: JaMur Zoysia lawn in now in it’s 3rd week and looks great. It has remained totally green the entire time, just as it came off the pallets. I mowed it high after the 2nd week. I believe it is taking root just fine and I can begin watering every other day next week. Once or twice a week after that, depending on how hot it gets. So far, so good. Thanks everyone for their input.
Dixie – posted 08 July 2009 12:15
I would be interested in hearing from “Love Zoysia” to hear how your sod is doing in the Georgia red clay.
Stan – posted 11 July 2009 16:08
Wow! I can’t believe after months of trying to decide between the Zoysias Emeral or Zenith, I come upon this Jamur. Dixie, can you point me toward some research or explain why you chose it over Zeon, Emerald or others. I really like the fine pointy leaves of Emerald. What is the appearance of JaMur?
Also, where can it be bought in Raleigh, NC?
Stan – posted 11 July 2009 18:12
Well, after doing a little more research I have come up with a few conclusions with a few remaining questions.JaMur looks great. I wonder how the color compares to fescue? I like the look of Zeon’s fine blade. Isn’t it better in appearance and shade tolerance than JaMur? Another interesting one is Palisades which has fine long blades. It is so hard to get good comparison photos. Also getting these sods is hard it seems.
Dixie – posted 14 July 2009 11:26
Wonderful photos of Jamur Zoysia at “”. Also Zeon Zoysia. I liked the medium blade grass better than the fine and it cuts better with a rotary mower. According to this site, Jamur is very cold tolerant and drought tolerant.
I got my JaMur from Lawson’s Turf Farm near Charleston, S.C. They normally don’t deliver to the Raleigh area, but you can view their harvesting on the above web site photos. Their sod looked great and it came just as the photos indicated. Their cost is only $125.00 per pallet but they did charge an additional $400.00 for shipping. It comes on a flatbed tractor tailer with heavy duty forklift for unloading. So for 15 pallets it cost me $ 151.66 per pallet including shipping. No sales tax. Their phone number is listed on the above website as well. They should have sod available right now. My JaMur zoysia is in it’s fourth week now and still looks better all the time. Hope this helps. Let me know what you decide and your results if you should try it.
Dixie – posted 14 July 2009 11:34
Also, in comparing the Zeon with the Jamur, I think the above website will help you decide. To me the Zeon had a more yellowish color and not as deep green. I think the JaMur is similar to fescue in color. In the website there are photos of a golf fairway where the fairway is zeon zoysia and the bunker faces and rough are Jamur. To me the JaMur looked more hearty, robust and colorful. The article said that zeon was perfect for the fairways because of the finer blades and thus could cut it shorter. It also said that the JaMur would look great for the clubhouse lawn. Good luck. If I can be of more help, just post your reply.
Dixie – posted 14 July 2009 11:41
I keep reading questions in your post. JaMur also is probably the most shade tolerant of the zoysias. Right up there with St. Aug. But the Zeon looks good too. Everyone has to decide what they like the best. The Zeon was my second choice. Lawson’s Turf Farm also grows Zeon. Watch the website. You will be impressed.
Stan – posted 14 July 2009 13:39
Dixie, thanks for you input. Actually, I found C near Wilmington, NC. They actually dropped off a sample at my Mom’s which I will see this weekend.
I like what you said about the dark green of the JaMur. I actually love the look of Fescue but not it’s summer performance. By chance did you research any of the new Fescue’s such as Rebel IV or Titan. They are supposed to be finer bladed and more drought tolerant than K-31.
Lowe’s has Zenith Zoysia but I think it looks more like Centipede which I can’t stand.
Dixie – posted 14 July 2009 15:13
I was going to mention Cape Fear Turf Farm near Wilmington, NC. I went there and got a sample from them and viewed their fields. The only bad thing about them is that they do not irrigate. As hot as it has been with no water, I would not trust it. Also their price is more than Lawson’s Turf Farm including the extra shipping I had to pay. I believe Cape Fear is about 160.00 per pallet. Their fields were not filled in good when I was there and we had plenty of rain at that time. Something about them I didn’t trust. I could see in their fields where when harvesting they would skip around different spots to try to get the best turf available, but at Lawson’s it was like cutting plush carpet. I did not investigate any of the new fescues because I wanted something that would spread and recover itself if damaged. Review the website
Dixie – posted 14 July 2009 15:30
I can only say that Lawson’s Turf Farm is only about 40 miles or so farther than Cape Fear. My grass was cut late in the afternoon on a Thursday and was at my house by 7:00 AM the following morning. It was fresh, completely filled in and looked just like carpet. I was very impressed and pleased. It was totally green and has remained totally green. The soil on it was fresh and looked as though it had just been cut. I think how you start out is a good indication of how you will finish. So I think freshly cut good sod to start with is ultimately important. I’m sure you do too. I’m not trying to tell you what to do, only give you the benefit of my experience. I am a novelist at this just like you. Good Luch in whatever you decide!
Dixie – posted 14 July 2009 15:40
Since you are in the Raleigh area, I am in Knightdale. You certainly are welcome to come see my JaMur in person if you like. It is a medium blade width. You obviously like more fine bladed grass and maybe would like the Zeon more but viewing a large lawn of JaMur may help you to decide. Let me know.
Stan – posted 14 July 2009 16:03
I would like to visit sometime. I plan to plant in early sept to avoid this heat. Would’n that be wise? I have searched in vain on Google for a Lawson’s several sites come up and on the webpage you sent there is not link to them. In NC several were listed:
Buy Sod, Inc.Sand Hill Turf, IncPiedmont Turf Farm, Inc.Tri-State Turf, Inc.
I wonder if you checked them out? I was contacted by an Al Hunter out of Rocky Mount who has Zeon on offered to let me see his yard, but would not send any photographs – which is strange. I mean almost everyone has a camera phone. You will have to get me your contact info with posting it on here somehow.
Thanks for the tips! By the way – they say to keep it about 1.5″ but does it look good a little longer like a fescue?
Stan – posted 14 July 2009 20:44
Yes! I am becoming a novelist on zoysia! I keep uncovering little pieces of info and fit it together. I actually thought JaMur was an amazing new variety,but it was released in 1996. The varieties I thought was older are newer: Empire 2000 and Zorro 2001. So maybe they are the new ones! I read somewhere that Empire is most similar to Fescue in color and texture.
Dixie – posted 15 July 2009 07:50
Unfortunately Lawson’s Turf Farm does not have a web site. Lawson’s Turf Farm 1333 Philadelphia St. Hartsville, SC 29550-6219 843-332-4763You can see photos of them harvesting sod at the
Stan – posted 15 July 2009 09:20
Dixie, I bet your sod is beautiful. I don’t have an irrigation system so that is an issue in this weather. They guy at BuySod says their JaMur is still no ready – so the SC location is probably best. BuySod’s Zeon is $200 a palette.
I have not found too many discussing problems with Empire. Did you ever see any and how did it compare to Zeon and JaMur? I wonder if you could email me some pictures of your lawn. I’ll risk putting up the address: green4arch (you know the at symbol) Maybe the bots won’t find it here.
Dixie – posted 15 July 2009 11:27
I never did see any Empire except in photos on the websites but when I saw the Jamur and Zeon, they looked much better to me anyway. I don’t know exactly how to e-mail you pictures of my lawn but if you will go to the
Dixie – posted 15 July 2009 12:03
How many square feet of sod do you need? You must be able to water it thoroughly when sodded for several weeks at least twice daily in the beginning. If you can manually water it with garden hoses, etc., then OK. If you can keep it alive for 3 weeks, then you may be OK without watering. I know the JaMur and Zeon are very drought tolerant.
Dixie – posted 15 July 2009 12:10
I did not have an irrigation system either, but have always wanted a nice lawn. I finally decided to bite the bullet and if I was going to spend $6,000.00 on sod (I had a landscape designer install my sod) then I should go ahead and install an irrigation system as well. That was another $5,000.00. So I know where you are coming from. I have no idea of your age, but when I was younger, I could not have afforded to do this. I am 60 years old and decided if I was ever going to have a nice lawn, now was the time to do it right. I can tell you that when I got the sample of JaMur from Cape Fear, I scratched up some ground and layed it down. I watered it about twice and it lived and did fine but we had lots of rain back then. That was in April. Good Luck
Stan – posted 16 July 2009 09:33
Wow! Dixie, JaMur is very beautiful and you made a great choice. Well, being about twenty years younger I can not afford that either. Fortunately, the plot is small and could be done for under a grand. If you look up a few posts I put my yahoo address there if you want to send photos to that account. Otherwise, I’ll try to post on here what I eventually decide come September. Thanks for all your input and keep posting your progress …
TURFGIRL87 – posted 06 August 2009 11:00
quote:Originally posted by Stan:Wow! I can’t believe after months of trying to decide between the Zoysias Emeral or Zenith, I come upon this Jamur. Dixie, can you point me toward some research or explain why you chose it over Zeon, Emerald or others. I really like the fine pointy leaves of Emerald. What is the appearance of JaMur?
Also, where can it be bought in Raleigh, NC?
mrmumbels – posted 07 August 2009 10:55
The jamur reminds me of my empire
Donella – posted 28 February 2010 15:33
I considering sodding my backyard w/ jamur. It only gets approximately 3-4 hrs of sun per day with some areas getting less. I have kids and dogs so am interested in grass that can also tolerate a lot of activity. Would you recommend Jamur, and if so is it ok to lay the sod now. If not, when is the ideal time to lay jamur sod?
ken4255 – posted 29 March 2010 12:02
I really don’t think the JaMur will do well with only 3-4 hours of sun. I had mostly Meyer installed in my yard, and I had some real problems in the shady spots. I bought a few pieces of Jamur to see if it would grow in those problem areas, and it does do better than Meyer, but it needs sun. The stuff I have read says zoysia in general needs five hours of sunlight. I think this is optimistic.
I lost a huge section of Meyer that was too shady, and I had to have 4 big trees removed. Now I am plugging it and I will be waiting for years for it to fill back in.
TNJDM – posted 21 December 2010 17:19
If your still around, would love to hear an update on your Jamur
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