need help w/my 6000sq.ft. that i want to plant zoysia on
BKM – posted 13 October 2001 11:11
I have a 6000sq.ft that I’m going to install zoysia on in Tallahassee,Fla.I just received the soil test results backtexture: sandy loamP-8ppmK-20ppmpH-5.0do you have any suggestions on cultural practices,irrigation,mowing,fertilization etc.should I use sod or seed?thanks,-Brian
Lennyk – posted 13 October 2001 15:11
Hi Brian,
I planted 2000 sq feet earlier this year with Zoysia. Sod was too expensive and I don’t have access to seeds so I had to plug.
Zoysia grows real slow, and I mean real slow.Make sure the plugs are close together,like 3 or 4 inches apart. The soil should bewell graded for easy runoff of excess water, rain otherwise you will end up with the empty spaces between the zoysia being washed out and lower later on. I wouldn’t recommend rolling the soil, this way it will be loose and easier for the grass to spread.You will probably need to topdress later onsince it will never come out flat due to theslow growth. I added thin layer old chicken manure recently and it has help speed it up much better than chemical fertilizers.
I plugged a bit too far apart and have heavy rains so my lawn is very bumpy and needs anoverall topdress now to level it out.Zoysia is very weed competitive and stays green in hot dry conditions better than bermuda.
wdrake – posted 14 October 2001 03:56
I think you can find answers to most of your questions in the Florida lawn handbook.
If I had 6000 square feet of lawn to cover I’d consider:1. Overseeding with winter rye 2. Use the winter to adjust grade and drainage of lawn3. Incorporate soil amendments and till rye in early spring.4. Hold off laying sod until you can get new, “fresh”, actively growing, green sod in Mar/Apr.
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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