lessons learned

cohiba – posted 11 December 2006 13:01

Went to NJ Turfgrass Association Expo in Atlantic City last week and came home with a few lessons learned.

1. Mesotrione a new herbicide coming out will give you crabgrass control that you can seed into, like Siduron, but works. It turns the plant white so it may not be an option for all situations. I have not seen the label yet.

2. There is a Northeast Anthracnose survey online that anyone that has to deal with anthracnose in the northeast should take. It is a multi school cooperative program. the site is: www.turf.uconn.edu. project NE-1025 will explore management variables effecting anthracnose. If you take the survey they will send you info and results.

3. Two rates of a threeway herbicide were tested and there was no differnce in effectiveness between the 1 pt/acre rate and the 2 pt/acre rate. More is not always better…just more expensive.

That’s all for now……..

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