large brown dead spots
treeowl – posted 22 June 2006 11:51
Have numerous brown patches. The San Augustine dies in a matter of a few days. The blades do show yellowing at first then turn brown. The patches vary from a couple of feet across to as much as ten feet. Have treated areas with both fungicide and pesticide, however it is like using fireant bait. The problem only seems to move to another area. Sure could use some suggestions. Do have a sprinkler system that currently waters before daylight for 30 minutes one day a week.
Grassguy – posted 22 June 2006 18:47
Could be Gray leaf spot. have you noticed any olive green spots on the leaves and stems? the spots will enlarge to oval or circular shapes that are tan to gray with darker borders. Also is there any gray mold present?Does the turf look burned or scorched? how much nitrogen do apply and how often?there are so many thing that can be wrong ranging from cultural practices, soil condition, enviornment, cultivar of zoysia you have, etc. Zoysia is slow to recover when damaged. The best and probobly the fastest thing you can do is contact your local county extension for proper recommendations. Trying to guess just allows the problem to worsen.It could be Drechslera leaf,crown and root disease. could be SAD if you dont have the improved variety of zoysia. your PH could be out of wack causing the nutrients to be unavailable to the turf weakening the turf and making it prone to disease.
Grassguy – posted 22 June 2006 21:58
dont know why I said zoysia, I meant st. augustine, sorry
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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