How to restore Burmuda Grass

dmartin – posted 19 June 2005 07:16

Our builder planted Burmuda sod 20 years ago when our house was built, but the landscape has taken on a whole new shape since then with a lot more shade. The Burmuda grass is very thin and hald of the lawn is weeds. Is there a way to re-seed so I don’t have to look at sod again?

tommy – posted 16 August 2005 15:25

Spend the last part of the summer getting rid of the weeds…….use a ‘weed and feed’ type fertilier if you want…..and if you still have grassy weeds after that- spray crabgrass killer,(two applications, 10 days apart). In the fall, seed with a shady mix- which usually contains- various kinds of fescue, rye, poa trivialis, and somtimes bluegrass.

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