how to kill bahia grass in dormant centipede

cmoore56 – posted 10 January 2005 08:04

Hi! I have centipede in my yard which is mostly dormant right now. I also have (unfortunately) bahia grass in spots. I HATE this! How can I get rid of the bahia without damaging the centipede? I need help, as just digging the stuff out doesn’t get rid of it.


mikemaas00 – posted 10 January 2005 11:57

2 products will do it. Image and manor. Image is less expensive, but works slower.

cmoore56 – posted 11 January 2005 07:20

Thanks for the info. I have another question: will applying roundup to my centipede while it’s dormant harm the turf? I’ve heard that this is one way to kill off weeds, but not sure if it’s accurate.

mikemaas00 – posted 01 February 2005 09:35

Sometimes the centipede isnt completely dormant and you get damage or slow green-up in the spring. Using 2-4d or atrazine right now is the best way to go. A product with 2-4d in it will only get broadleaf weeds, and atrazine will get a little bit of both grassy and broadleaf weeds. These are much safer on your centipede. Be sure to put down a preemergent in February to keep that crabgrass from poppin up in the spring.

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