Help I know nothing about lawns………
jwanderson09 – posted 11 June 2002 17:02
Help please. I just moved to Hawaii and have my first lawn. The lawn has lots of bare spots and weeds. I don’t even know where to start….and on top of that I know nothing about lawn care. Any tips?
frenchman – posted 11 June 2002 19:38
What is it that you are wanting to do. Be more specific
wereworm – posted 11 June 2002 21:12
I’ve only been to Maui, but if your soil is that red clay stuff, then it’s safe to say your lawn could use some peat moss, manure, or some other organic matter. If your lawn has a lot of thatch build-up, then remove the thatch since it may be encouraging fungal diseases like dollar spot & brown patch. If your lawn has either of those diseases, you can use fungicides like benomyl or chlorothalonil to treat it.
As for weeds, many types of broadleaf weeds can be killed with 2,4-D or MCPP. If the weeds are grassy, try CAMA, MSMA, MAMA, Dalapon, or Glyphosate (the last of these herbicides will kill both grassy & broadleaf weeds, but it’s for spot-treatment only–otherwise you’ll kill your lawn right along with the weeds)
[This message has been edited by wereworm (edited 12 June 2002).]
jwanderson09 – posted 12 June 2002 19:05
Hey thank you. I have been reading and it says to fertilize in the cooler months so I want to get the lawn ready for that. You helped a lot. Thank you for the names of the weed killers.
quote:Originally posted by wereworm:I’ve only been to Maui, but if your soil is that red clay stuff, then it’s safe to say your lawn could use some peat moss, manure, or some other organic matter. If your lawn has a lot of thatch build-up, then remove the thatch since it may be encouraging fungal diseases like dollar spot & brown patch. If your lawn has either of those diseases, you can use fungicides like benomyl or chlorothalonil to treat it.
As for weeds, many types of broadleaf weeds can be killed with 2,4-D or MCPP. If the weeds are grassy, try CAMA, MSMA, MAMA, Dalapon, or Glyphosate (the last of these herbicides will kill both grassy & broadleaf weeds, but it’s for spot-treatment only–otherwise you’ll kill your lawn right along with the weeds)
[This message has been edited by wereworm (edited 12 June 2002).]
jwanderson09 – posted 12 June 2002 19:08
I want to have a nice soft GREEN lawn like I see in so many other yards. My lawn is hard (needs routine water) and full of weeds. My problem is I don’t know WHAT KIND of weeds. So I first need to figure that out and what kind of grass I have to plant more of once I get rid of the grass. Mainly I need basic help in elementary language.
quote:Originally posted by frenchman:What is it that you are wanting to do. Be more specific
WillR – posted 12 June 2002 23:59
Collect up samples of your weeds, and roll off down to your local nursery.
You’d be surprised what they can help you with.
Good luck!
frenchman – posted 13 June 2002 20:23
TO Jwanderson. I would spray round-up and go ahead and kill your whole yard if you don’t have awhole lot of grass. Do this 2-3 times. If you want a green yard year round I would go with Fescue, but you’ll have to wait till fall. Where do you live?
Kaleal – posted 17 June 2002 15:02
I also live in Hawaii, my front yard is Seashore paspalum, the back is el toro zoysia. Of the two I LOVE the paspalum. The biggest drawback of paspalum is shade tolerance. If you have trees or a bad house orientation the grass will be weak. Paspalum has phenomenal weed resistance. Nutsage will always be a problem..but that is easily handled with Manage.
please feel free to email me at ka****@ha****.com
wdrake – posted 17 June 2002 19:11
Solicite help from your local county extension agent.
Bill Drakeniceville FL
I almost forgot Do Not over water. Floratan /Seville all strains of St. Augustine are suseptible to fungus from over…
I am from the north and it has taken me five yrs to learn and undertand seville lawns. No 1…
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